Calle Viena

Calle Viena

Estacion de Cartama— Spain

Calle Viena

Spain - Estacion de Cartama

Building at Viena Street

Next construction, in Cartama staion, corner of Viena street with Austria street. Next to Mercadona, children's playgrounds, dog park, health centre, leisure areas around the property.

The building consists of 4 flats and comercial shop, distributed in 3 floors, it has lift.


- Commercial Shop 45 sqm diaphanous with a lot of opportunities to develop a business.

- 1º Floor there is an apartment 60 sqm , 2 Bedrooms.

Great opportunity to buy a brand new property at the best price.
Decree of the Junta de Andalucía: In compliance with the Decree of the Junta de Andalucía 2182005 of the 11th of October 2005, the client is informed that the notary, registry, ITP and other expenses inherent to the purchase are not included in the price, the consumer has the right to receive a copy of the corresponding abbreviated informative document of the property.

Reference number
590 057
1 Bedroom
1 av 4 (With elevator)

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